It is tempting to avoid legal services when there are so many resources available at the tip of our fingers in the digital world. When people tend to think of attorney services, they might think of the time and expense it will take to find an attorney they like, explain their situation, and wait for the ultimate product to be finished and sent back to them. While it is true that there are expenses related to fact-finding and the production of documents, it is also true that one could end up spending significantly more time and money should a self-produced document not safeguard their needs or apply to the relevant laws at the local and/or state levels.
Contracts are governed by different laws depending on several factors including where they are formed and their subject matter. Attempting to create a contract without the knowledge of the law governing it can have several consequences. Self-help contracts can fail to state essential elements of an agreement, include invalid clauses, expose parties to liability, fail to address the circumstances surrounding an agreement, and many other issues that can cause the need for litigation and significant legal fees down the road. Hiring an attorney at the outset of an agreement can safeguard you from spending significantly more on legal fees (including court fees, attorney fees, and settlement or judgment costs) than you are otherwise risking. Courts will treat self-represented litigants the same as they do represented parties, leaving parties who chose to be self-represented at a disadvantage.
Essentially decades of human experience can’t be replaced by a fill-in-the-blanks contract generator. If potential liability is not enough of a reason to hire an attorney, the expertise of an attorney which comes from a legal education and work experience should tip the scales. Attorneys who deal in contracts use strategic planning to best help you or your business plan for changes in law or policies and potential contractual disputes or negotiations. They also can assist you in writing clauses that work in your favor rather than to the advantage of the other party or parties.
If you have already used internet forms and are worried about your exposure or your legal issue becomes more complex, contact us sooner rather than later at [email protected] or (402) 392-1250. If you are on the fence about whether to hire an attorney or not, contact us for a consultation to discuss the decision further. Doing so may save you valuable time and expense and give you peace of mind.